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Bridging The Gap

Bridging the Gap
This website has focused mostly on how to build back and live after a breakdown of society. Building back from scratch. But, there are other topics that I have only touched on, which are also important. Those topic are how to surviving long enough to fully implement those skills.

This transition period could last for years. I call this short yet important time, bridging the gap. On one side of the gap is current modern life, on the other side is the stone age or something close to it.

Many technologies that exist today, will disappear. Many technologies will linger, before disappearing. Nothing last forever, but let's not forget that if a device can last for even just a short period of time it can help sustain yourself through the riots and roving hordes that will come to steal your stuff. These encounters could very likely be a death sentence, even if you aren't killed in the process.

Technologies such as electronics aren't the only topics of importance. Skill and knowledge about what to expect how to avoid being a target, protecting what you have are also to be covered here.

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My Patriot Supply Food and Gear

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