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Essential Preps - Fishing String

Every prepper know to store string and rope in case that EMP goes off, or that comet hits. Most preppers also know to have some fishing string, but not all. Fishing string is an important item and there will be very few people that will have too much fishing string. One of the most versatile and overlooked items by preppers is fishing string, don't let that person be you.

The most obvious reason to build up a stash of fishing line is for catching fish. Many preppers envision themselves hunting big and small game after the SHTF. However, fishing is for many people going to be a more productive endeavor.

monofilament fishing string

In the distant past most primitive people's lives were tied to water. That could be the coast, a river or a large lake, and even today often for slightly different reasons water is where choose to set up camp, meaning cities.

Your current home is likely not walking distance from a river. You need to be prepared to abandon your current home eventually a move to a location that can provide food and water. A large river is going to be one of the best most steady providers of food in a SHTF situation.

I live in the Deep South. People down here frequently hunt and fish. When things turn bad the first resource to disappear will be large mammals such as deer. Next will be the squirrels and rabbits, soon followed by birds. Fish such as catfish in many lakes will take a hit but they will not be fished out completely. I can tell you the commercial fisherman never had a shortage of catfish in the large rivers.

Sure you can learn to make twine for fishing, but have you ever heard of any fisherman saying the fishing lines used 100 years ago are superior to modern fishing lines. I haven't. You can learn to make fishing line from natural sources, but nothing you will ever make will compare to mono fishing line that you buy at any sporting good store. So, you need to stock up on enough to last you the rest of your live and even your grand kids lives.

Since fishing line comes in different strengths, stockpiling a variety seems prudent, but I can tell you I am mostly going to err on the heavier stuff. The 20-50 pound line will be useful longer is less likely to break when met with a huge fish or some underwater debris.

Fishing string is incredibly strong for its size and you will find many uses besides just for fishing. Fishing line WILL be used for things like making snares, sewing up clothes, making quick shelters and tying whatever to whatever.

Fishing line is thin, nearly invisible, and doesn't add much weight to your bug-out bag or long-term survival cache. This versatility gives you another tool to add to your aresenal of tools and skills that will make you task much quicker which will be so crucial when the grid finally comes down for good.

Another creative use for fishing string is setting up tripwires around your camp site or homestead. Whether you're defending against wildlife or potential human threats, stringing fishing line across entry points and attaching it to a noise-making device can create a makeshift alarm system. Fishing string is almost invisible unlike handmade string, especially in low light, making it an awesome option for securing your perimeter.

A fishing line can be used as a makeshift medical instrument in an emergency. In dire situations without access to medical supplies, it can be used to suture wounds. Having something to seal wounds is considerably better than leaving them exposed in a survival situation where infection risks are high.

Fishing string takes up minimal space and weighs very little, making it an ideal addition to your prepper kit. You can stockpile hundreds of yards of fishing line in a small space, and unlike many other supplies, it has an almost indefinite shelf life when stored properly. Just store it away from sunlight.

Preppers always harp on bartering value. Well, don't overlook fishing string as one of the high demand items for bartering. Its usefulness in survival situations, combined with the likelihood that others may have overlooked it, makes it a practical item for trade. The more fishing string you stockpile, the more you can potentially barter for other essentials like food, tools, or medicine.

Fishing string can be used in a variety of innovative ways. It's strong enough to be used as a makeshift shoelace, to secure goods on backpacks, or to build your own bowstrings or slingshot. Its thin, resilient quality makes it ideal for stitching tarps and repairing tents. The more you think outside the box, the more possible applications for fishing string will emerge.

Stockpiling fishing line may seem like a minor or insignificant decision in comparison to other preparation necessities, but its versatility and durability make it a very vital asset in any survival circumstance. Fishing string is a lightweight, space-saving, and vital item for any prepper's arsenal, serving its primary role of catching fish as well as a variety of other functions such as shelter building, security, and medical needs. When it comes to preparing for the unknown, the simplest instruments are frequently the most effective. Fishing thread is one such tool.

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