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Stock Up on Hand Tools Before It Is Too Late!

hand tools

It's essential to stockpile hand tools for a major natural disaster, societal collapse, or other catastrophic apocalyptic event for several important reasons. After such a disaster access to electricity may be limited or non-existent, making traditional power tools almost useless. Hand tools, on the other hand, are powered by you and can be used without relying on electricity. Whether it's building shelter, repairing infrastructure, or making stuff such as animal traps, having a comprehensive set of hand tools can make the difference between living and dying.

The Indispensable Hand Tool
Hand tools like rakes and shovels have been around for thousands of years. They are simple yes, but not something stone-age man could build. They require no power sources or batteries to use but are difficult to make. In the context of an apocalypse, where access to advanced technology and resources may be severely limited, these tools become indispensable.

Basic Survival Tasks
In a post-apocalyptic scenario, you will need to perform a variety of basic tasks. Shovels, post hole diggers, etc. will be needed on a daily basis unlike today where they will sit idle for weeks or months. So, if it is digging a hole for a post, preparing ground for garden, digging a well, cutting firewood or one of a thousand other task you will need to accomplish to survive, hand tools will be needed by you at a much elevated frequency.

Durability and Longevity
Hand tools should be selected with durability in mind. Opt for non wooden handles. Wood is more likely to break. Also wood will get old and warp and become dry and rough. In short your goal when purchasing hand tools is to look at the purchase with the idea that a few dollars spent on a quality tool provide much longer than a cheap model.

Low Maintenance
Maintaining hand tools is relatively straightforward. Regular cleaning and occasional sharpening are usually all that’s needed to keep them in working order. And although they are considered low maintenance that maitenance is essential or they life expectency of the tool will be greatly reduced from rust.

The Importance of Early Preparation
Stocking up on hand tools now, before any potential catastrophe strikes, is a proactive step in ensuring your readiness. Waiting until the last minute could mean scrambling for supplies, facing shortages, or being forced to make do with inferior or broken tools. You should also consider the odd tools that you don't currently own because, well you have never needed one before. Such as possibly a post hole digger, or huge cable cutters. So, browse the tools at the store with the thought of how might this tool be needed instead of looking at it from the perspective of do you need that tool now.

More Is Better
Saw, check! Not so fast. Certain tools will be useful for longer time spans than others. Saws get dull and their blades can warp. So, while a shovel might last for decades a saw not. So you also need to consider numbers. Building up numbers might be difficult to do if money is tight, but at least over time try to make occasional purchases to bolster you hand tool collection.

While it's easy to focus on high-tech solutions and fancy electric and gas powered tools, don't overlook the lowly hand tool. Rakes, shovels, and their ilk may seem unremarkable, but their role in ensuring your survival and self-sufficiency in a post-apocalyptic world is anything but. Prepare wisely, and these simple yet essential tools will serve you well when facing the end of the world as we know it.

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