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Lighting fires is a handy skill to have right. Next to tool making, it is what sets us apart from other animals. Like it or not post apocalypse in many ways people will revert back to being a wild animal. Fire is so important to us surviving that there probably isn't a prepping or survival site that doesn't touch on the many ways of making fire.

I have a whole section of the website set up to teach you how to start a fire with sticks and other ways. If you are looking for that, then check it out by following this link. Fire Starting Techniques.

This article is not about rubbing to sticks together, but instead about preparing so you don't have to! Starting a fire in nature with your own hands is hard, takes time, energy and practice. Prepping can turn the learning curve of starting a fire with wood from a life or death situation and move it to a learn in your down time situation.

The last thing you need when you are busy with out task is wasting an hour of work time on something that could only take a few seconds if you are prepared. Of course I have both on the site because eventually your lighter or matches, etc. will run out.


This not a detailed mental gymnastics type of subject. To prep for this you need to buy lighters. And buy a lot of them. Lighters are probably the cheapest prepping item you can get. So step one, buy a bunch of cheap BIC style lighters.

But you aren't done, or at least you shouldn't be. Also you will want to buy lighter fluid. This is to refill your lighters. Of course, BIC lighters aren't refillable, so that is the second point. Buy a few, NOT ONE, a few refillable lighters.

Still not done. You will might want to also buy a plasma lighter. A plasma lighter uses electricity to light a fire. If you have prepared and have something like a solar generator system then you can indefinitely prolong your butane lights by using the plasma lighter, which is rechargeable.

Some might recommend adding regular old matches to this list, and waterproof ones to boot. I haven't figured out why they would ever be better than a BIC lighter and could give you a false sense of security. I guess the only advantage is knowing exactly how my tries you have left. A large box of matches is cheap and I already had a box laying around so, why not. Better safe than sorry.

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