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More Wine Please - Survival Manual

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It's basic knowledge in the field of disaster preparedness to stockpile necessities like food, water, and medical supplies and ammonition. Wine, however, may not seem like a necessary thing to have in your emergency supplies. Wine is a smart addition to your emergency supply and here is why you should be stocking up on wine now.

Preservation and Longevity
Wine, particularly when stored correctly, has a remarkably long shelf life. Many wines, especially those with higher tannin levels and acidity, can age for decades. This durability makes it an excellent candidate for long-term storage. A well stored wine collection could last for a long time during a crisis when fresh supplies may become scarce.

Nutritional and Medicinal Benefits
While it shouldn't be used as a main source of nutrition, wine does have certain health advantages. Particularly in red wine, antioxidants including flavonoids and resveratrol have been connected to cardiovascular health and other positive outcomes. The antioxidants in wine can offer some nutritional assistance in circumstances where one's access to fresh vegetables and other healthful foods may be restricted.

Wine has also traditionally been used for its therapeutic qualities. It can be used as a gentle wound antiseptic and is beneficial for relaxation and stress reduction, which is especially useful in high-stress circumstances.

Versatility in Cuisine
Keeping everyone happy during a protracted disaster is essential. Wine can add flavor to meals that would otherwise be boring or tasteless. Simple meals can be made more pleasurable and rewarding with a dash of wine, which can significantly improve mental and emotional health during trying times. This adaptability in the kitchen aids in maximizing the limited food supplies.

In a major catastrophe, traditional currency might lose its value, and the ability to trade goods and services could become essential. Wine can be a valuable trade item. Its desirability and perceived value make it a practical asset for bartering for other goods or services that you might need.

Psychological Benefits
The psychological impact of a major catastrophe cannot be overstated. Wine can offer comfort and a sense of normalcy during such times. Sharing a bottle of wine can foster a sense of community and togetherness, which is crucial for maintaining morale and mental health. It helps maintain a positive perspective by offering a little period of calm and normalcy in the middle of the craziness.

To make your wine last, store in mild temperatures. Not too hot, not too cold! And avoid wild temperature fluctuations if possible. Also store it in a dark place where it isn't exposed to sunlight. Additionally don't shake it up and store on its side if possible.

While stockpiling wine might seem unconventional, its benefits in terms of preservation, health, culinary use, barter potential, and psychological support make it a valuable addition to any emergency supply.

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