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Why You Should Stockpile Clothing

Durable Clothing

When it comes to preparing for an apocalypse, stocking up on essentials like food, water, and medical supplies is a no-brainer. But have you even considered the importance of stockpiling clothing? While it might seem less urgent than gathering canned goods or ammo, having a a lot of extra clothing stashed away will free up time to get yourself established before reaching the point of having to scavange clothes or make your own. Here's why you should consider adding clothing to your list of prepper priorities.

Protection from the Elements
After a world chaing war or natural disaster will you have clothing for cold weather? You live in Michigan, you soy, so of course you do! However, how much of that clothing is designed for social gatherings and not suited for work? No doubt you can still make use of every stich of clothing you own but you need to be particually cognizant of just how much durable work clothing you have. And this goes for all types of weather, hot, cold, rain and sun.

Having a range of clothing options ensures you can stay comfortable and protected. You may think you have the checkbox marked, but do you really? Sure day one or 20 or 200 you will have the clothes you need, but what about the future. You do plan on living for more than a year don't you. Most people will miscalculate how long their clothing will last under constant use and misuse. One or two of each item will last for a while but the longer you can put off making more the more time you can devote to building that shelter or catching some fish for supper.

Consider Durability
Clothing designed for durability will outlast ordinary items. Fabrics such as wool, synthetic blends, and heavy-duty materials are more resistant to wear and tear. Investing in sturdy, long-lasting clothes ensures that your wardrobe won't quickly degrade under harsh conditions.

Hygiene and Health
No, this isn't a change of topic. In the absence of modern conveniences, maintaining personal hygiene becomes crucial. Clean clothing helps prevent skin infections and other health issues. This is probably the one issue that people read and blow off because they have never been dirty for multiple days. By having an ample supply of clothes, you can rotate them to keep yourself and your surroundings as clean as possible without having to wash and dry your clothing every day. Throwing items in the washer and dryer getting those items back ready for use will be gone.

Bartering and Trade
Clothing can become a valuable trading commodity in a post-apocalyptic society. Durable, high-quality clothing might be in demand, making it a useful item for barter. By stockpiling clothing, you not only prepare yourself but also create a potential resource for trading with others, which could be crucial for acquiring other necessary items. Don't undersale the value of clothing for trading. The "dollar value" of clothing will be much greater than you might currently think.

Adapting to Uncertain Needs
An apocalypse is inherently unpredictable. Your needs and activities might change rapidly, requiring different types of clothing. By having a diverse stockpile, you can adapt to various scenarios, from scavenging for supplies to building shelter. Versatile clothing options ensure you're prepared for a range of tasks and environments. Consider different colors. Often you will want to remain unseen, that is usually already considered. However, there are numerous senarios where you will want highly visible colors as well. One example if you are injured and need searchers to be able to find you from far awy.

Don't Forget
And for heaven sakes don't forget to stockpile underwear and socks... especially socks. You will certainly go through socks at a rate that will be astonding. These items are the cheapest clothing items there are so no excuse to have a serious stockpile of them.

While clothing might not be the first thing that comes to mind when prepping, it certainly is one that you should absolutely consider. From protection against the elements to long-term durability a good stockpile of clothing can significantly increase your chances of surving.

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