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Why You Should Stockpiling Pens, Pencils and Paper For The Apocalypse


As the world keeps changing, thoughts about preparing for emergencies are becoming more common. You might think of food, water, and shelter when planning for an apocalypse, but pens, paper, and pencils are important as well. This isn't an either or situation. Below I will answer why these simple tools should be a part of you plan.

Why Pens, Pencils, and Paper Matter
Imagine living in a world where technology doesn't work anymore. A world without phones, computers, or the internet. In such times, pens, pencils, and paper become crucial. These items can help you keep track of essential information, leave notes, document finding in written word or as a map, calculating math problems when planning or building. And the list goes on. These are just a few of the reasons.

Communication in a Crisis
When the world comes crashing down, clear communication will be essential. With pen or pencil and paper, you can jot down messages for others. You could write notes to neighbors to explain what's happening, or even leave messages for others who are currently away.

Planning and Organization Survival isn't just about staying alive; it's about living smartly. You will want to plan out your next steps and keep track of resources. Writing stuff down on paper such as inventories for food, gear, and other necessary supplies for tracking rates of use, etc. can lead to more informed decisions when to time comes to decide which task should be your next course of action.

You can also map out the location of various food sources or even exit routes to safe locations should you be attacked or simply separated. Sketching different paths on paper can help you visualize and choose the best options. Just imagine not having at least a piece of paper to draw that out during an urgent scenario.

Education for the Future
Post-apocalypse, education may fall by the wayside, but it can't be forgotten. Having pens, pencils, and paper allows knowledge transfer, which is probably the most important tool in human development and civilization advancement. You can teach younger generations how to read and write, preserving critical skills.

Mental Health
Surviving will be tough, mentally and emotionally. Writing or drawing can act provide a connection to being human. It may sound strange, but writing provides a connection that you aren't just a wild animal. You are a human and this provides a connection to a civilized world that we grew up in.

Journaling can help process your thoughts and feelings too. Keeping a journal can provide clarity during complex situations.

Hopefully you are thinking of ways to start your stockpile now. Granted, in a world where uncertainty reigns, preparation becomes your ally. Stockpiling pens, paper, and pencils may seem trivial compared to food and water, but they play a critical role in planning, communication, and creativity. So, as you prepare for any possible crisis, remember that some basic writing supplies can keep your mind engaged and help build the bonds of survival. A few simple tools can strengthen your chances in an uncertain future.

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