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The Case For The 22
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22 ammo
If you are reading this article you are probably a prepper or someone interested in the idea of preparing for future emergencies. If that is correct this probably isn't the first prepper article you have read because I am not big in the prepper algorithm of search engines. So that being the case let me explain the difference between me and the plethora of "preppers" on the internet.

The difference is that I see most prepper writing about SHTF situations and approaching them like they are going to be temporary. In other words, they want to hold their breath and survive until things return to modern living. And while I acknowledge that those things will most certainly happen, they happen every year, maybe not to you every year, but they are quite frequent indeed. Hurricanes, fires, etc.!

Without going into a long drawn out explanation of why I believe those preppers are wrong, I will just say this and reserve another 1000 reasons for my belief.

It says in the Bible there will be an apocalypse in the end times. It says in the end times knowledge will be greatly increased. For these reason and others I think it is prudent to prepare for a world that no longer has modern conveniences. There I have said it.

So, if you are a prepper or if you wish to start, even is a small way, preparing for what is surely to come. Then you may have read some of the same online articles that I have. And one such article or theme is that you should not stockpile 22 ammo.

The arguments against stockpiling 22 ammo are:
  • A 22 isn't good for home defence
  • If you're not regularly training with it doesn't make sense
  • 22 ammo is not what you should use for training purposes.
  • 22 ammo isn't useful for trading

Now I am certainly not going to make the argument that a 22 is a good self-defense gun; however, it is a good weapon for harvesting small game. Sure other weapons can do the same job as a 22, but that ammo cost much more, and can be heard from much further distances. Being noisy is going to be a big issue when people are desperate.

Sure the 22 isn't going to be the most useful weapon to have around when the mob comes for your stuff. You should have a different weapon for that. But after the population is reduced and you are trying to rebuild a life where you are living off the land having a 22 with a bunch of ammo will help you survive initially until we can again merge back into a world of mostly stone age living.

Starting out from where you are now and transitioning to living off the land is much more difficult then being born into a primitive culture. Think about it. If you have to relocate you will need to build a shelter. That takes time and energy. Once established you don't have to do this, but initially the work is huge compared to already being settled in. And that is where your stockpiles will come in handy. Reducing the initial burden.

Ammo for a 22 is the cheapest ammo you can buy. This will allow you to more easily accumulate more. And 22 ammo is light and compact compared to large caliber ammo. If you ever need to relocate and can't do so with automobile then decisions will have to be made on what to take and what to leave. All ammo will be something to take, and having 22 ammo for food procurement will help.

Don't believe the dream of living int he woods hunting big game like many romanticize post apocalypse living will be. Big calibers are for defense against people and only occasionally for big game. Deer for example, were wiped out in most areas 100 years ago. And that will certainly happen again. So bird and other small game will be the staple for many decades to come after the real SHTF happens.

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