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Snakes As A Survival Food

Snakes as a survival food will seem gross to some, but the flesh of a snake is as good as any other animal when it comes to feeding yourself and others. Both venomous and non-venomous snakes are good eating, but obviously one kind is a bit more hazardous. Use caution.

How useful snakes will be to you as a food source will depend in large part with where you are living. The arctic is devoid of snakes whereas, the swamps and jungles are sometimes overrun with them.

Here are few safety tips when dealing with snakes. The venom is contained in the head if the snake is venomous. Cut off and discard the head in a safe place where it will not be contacted accidentally. Burying the head is one good option.

Be wary of the small ones! Bigger snakes aren't always more dangerous than smaller ones. The large snakes have more venom. That doesn't always equate to more venom being injected, though! People are not viewed as food to venomous snakes. This fact means that older wiser snakes will typically only bite in self-defense. When they do they often only inject some venom so they can save the rest for prey that they want to dispatch quickly so that they can catch and eat it. But younger snakes often will inject as much of their venom as they can. Either way if you get bit it will be a critical situation that could very well spell death. The point is, do not get complacent when dealing with small snakes.

Here is information on how to clean a snake for food. How To Clean A Snake.

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