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Blueberries Easy to Grow

Blueberries are considered a northern species, but they are grown successfully all across the continental USA. Blueberries are one of the lowest maintenance plants you could ever hope for as blueberry plants have almost zero disease or insect problems to contend with. These two factors make blueberry bushes an excellent plant to add to your food forest.

They will grow 10 ft tall with a smaller spread. And they can be pruned and shaped as you desire. They prefer full sun with well drained soil.

Blueberry plants like a pH in the 4.5 range that is very acidic. They can still be grown on most land, but don't make the mistake of adding anything that will drive the pH higher. You can easily kill a plant like that.

If your pH needs to be corrected you can add peat moss, pine straw mulch and piss. Yes Urine. Lots of nitrogen in your urine.

The plants will bear fruit in the summer months. Blueberry plants are partially self-fertile, but will produce more fruit if planted with another variety.

Blueberries can be preserved by freezing, jam or dehydrating

Harvest your blueberries when they are uniformly blue, any sign of redness means they aren't quite there yet. Blueberries that are shriveled have a fungal disease and should be removed and disposed of as soon as it is detected.

A lot of survival is difficult. It is good to know that not everything has to be hard and blueberries certain should have a part in anyone's survival forest.

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