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Passion Flower Wild Edible Fruit

passion flower

passion flower fruit

Passion flower is best known for its absolutely stunning flower, but did you know the fruits are just as impressive. Passion flower (Passiflora edulis) also known as Possum Purple is a climbing vine, whose flowers are 2-3 inches across. I am not going to even try to describe its beautiful flowers, just look at the picture!

The fruit is what we are most interested in though. The fruits mature intoa juicy sweet, dark purple, mostly round fruits. The plant with its glossy leaves and beautiful flowers is often grow ornamentally often in pots or hanging baskets.

The plant blooms in the fall and summer and the fruit is collected in the fall. The plant does well in both full sun or partial shade. And prefers moist fertile soils, but not soil that stays wet. Good drainage is important.

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