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Wild Edible Blueberries

Blueberries bushes are an awesome survival food, regular food, everyday food. Blueberries are awesome in so many ways. You should make Blueberries a staple in your life both pre and post SHTF.

Blueberries are a plant that is native to North America. Blueberries come in two sizes. Wild Blueberries have smaller berries than some of the commercial varieties. But, for our purposes any variety will do. Other than size the outcome is the same. Awesomeness!

The leaves can be either deciduous or evergreen, which is pretty unique don't you think. The leaves or ovate to lanceolate and have relatively small leaves that top out at at most 3 inches long. The fruit is a berry that is well under an inch in diameter. Blueberries have that distinctive flared crown which is not unique to Blueberries, but can aid in plant identification.

The fruit is light green when young and turns blue or purple when ripe. They taste awesome and are abundant on the plant. They bear fruit depending on where grown. Typically they bear fruit in the middle of the growing season, whatever that may be locally.

Blueberries are sold at any nursery so even if they don't grow naturally in your area it is quite easy to grow and maintain them even in areas that they do not occur in naturally. So if you have a bugout location in mind. You should strongly consider planting a few Blueberry plants there.

Blueberries can be eaten raw, or the juice can be extracted for a drink also as jelly, jam, pies, in pemmican, made into wine, eaten in salads or cereal, and last, but not least in muffins.

Important tips: Blueberries require an acid soil. So don't put ash or lime out to help these plants. You will actually be hurting and possibly killing them. Blueberries do not self-pollinate so always grow more than one! The more the merrier!

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