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Clover Great Wild Survival Food

WARNING:White clover in colder climates is generally non-poisonous, but the same white clover in warmer climates can be poisonous. All clover with white flowers should be avoided except in the northern states and Canada. Quite a few people are allergic so go easy at first until you know one way or the other. Secondly, never ferment and eat clover. You want your clover either completely fresh or completely dried, never in between.

Clover Identification:Do I really need to post identification information on clover? Who isn't familiar with clover and the childhood search for the magical four leaf clover?

Clover Uses
Four leaf clovers are lucky, but in a survival situation you will be happy to know that even the normal 3 leaf variety is lucky... by that I mean edible. Clover can be eaten raw but it is safer to boil it first.

The clover flowers can also be eaten, either raw or steeped into tea. The flowers for tea can be used fresh or dried for later use.

The clover flowers can be dried and then ground into a protein-rich flour. The trouble will be getting enough of the clover flowers. Clover is grown as a forage crop for cattle and deer but it will be too much work without machinery to keep a clover field just clover for very long.

I should point out that clover is a group of plants that encompasses a number of different clover species but for our purposes, clover is clover.

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