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Meditation How It Works... Scientific Explanation

The secret behind meditation lies in a nerve. This nerve isn't just any nerve, but a very special nerve that everyone has, a nerve that you cannot live without. This nerve is called the Vagus Nerve. And it is a two way highway like other nerves. The Vagus Nerve connects the brain with every organ in the body except for the adrenal gland. This is a very important communication system for the body. Think of it as the internet for your body, transmitting data to and from the brain. Like the internet it is not a one way street. It is a bilateral communication network.

The Vagus Nerve tells our body what to do, what enzymes to make, how much to make, and sends status updates back up to the brain. Scientists have discovered that if you stimulate the Vagus Nerve with a medical device like a pacemaker it can cause the body to reduce inflammation, trigger the immune system and even cure diseases. The diseases are cured by your own body, but only after being boosted by stimulating the Vagus Nerve which directs your own body to heal itself.

Without a doubt you will not have a heart pacemaker or a gastric pacemaker after the SHTF. However, meditation works SCIENTIFICALLY, by stimulating the Vagus Nerve, just like pacemakers do!

Here is a list of medical conditions that Vagus Nerve stimulation directly impacts. Alzheimer's, Asthma, Autism, Colitis, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Numerous Gastro diseases (stomach and intestinal disease), Heart Disease, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, OCD, Arthritis, Sepsis, Tinnitus and certainly many others some known and others probably yet to be discovered.

Your own body is a great healer. If you get severely burned, modern medical treatment doesn't fix you. Mostly it allows you to live long enough for your body to fix itself. Modern medicine can be great, I would never try to reduce the tremendous positive impacts it has on our lives. However, modern medicine can't do everything. Many diseases are still untreatable. It just makes sense to use EVERYTHING in your arsenal when fighting an enemy. Meditation should be part of that arsenal.

Meditation allows YOU, without medical training to help your body heal itself. It doesn't matter if you believe it works. It doesn't matter if you think it is magic. It doesn't matter if you recognize the connection between meditation and the Vagus Nerve! If you want the benefits, All that matters is that you meditate.

Meditation is easy. Meditation is really nothing more than relaxation. Here are some tips from the pros on how to meditate effectively.

To get the most from your meditation, first, choose a peaceful environment, get comfortable in a sitting position, close your eyes.

Clear your mind and be aware of your breathing, but do not control your breathing. Try not to think about and dwell on daily problems. Observe your bodies movements while breathing in and out. Focus your attention on your breathing without controlling it. If your mind wanders to other things, which it will, simply return your focus back to your breathing.

Over time you will get better with your meditation and your mind will wander less and less. That is it. This will have a positive effect on your Vagus Nerve which will invariably have a positive effect on your body's response to illness and disease.

Return to Meditation page 1.

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