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Apple Cider Vinegar To Fight Sinus Infections!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many uses and to help you fight sinus infections is just one of them. Apple cider vinegar contains powerful antimicrobial agents which helps kill off harmful bacteria that may be lurking in your gut and nasal passages. And apple cider vinegar gives you the added bonus of giving a boost to the good bacteria. The vinegar component will also help to break up congested mucus.

If you make apple cider vinegar yourself, like you will have to after the SHTF, then you will be all set! But if you want to try this before the SHTF there is something you must know when buying apple cider vinegar from a store. Most apple cider vinegar bottles that you buy at the store will unfortunately be filtered. This is not what you want. You MUST use unfiltered vinegar that still has the "mother" aka culture that is used when making the vinegar. Without the Mother you are wasting your time and will unjustly conclude that this natural cure is nothing but hogwash.

Once you have the unfiltered apple cider vinegar you can use it to fix your sinus infection. Simply Mix up 2 spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar with 1 spoonful of honey. Mix into a cup of warm water and drink immediately. Do this about a half hour before each meal.

A more direct route is also available if you really want to attack the infection head on. Mix two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and very slowly and carefully drop by drop administer into the nasal passage. This isn't the most pleasant experience but it should work even better than ingestion.

Don't for a second think that this is some old wives tale hokus pokus that doesn't really do anything. For long term benefits this cure is probably better than anything you will get from a modern day doctor!

Another Use - Sore Throat:
A sore throat causes pain that makes it painful to swallow and other symptoms include fever, rash, pain and heavy breathing. It may cause difficulty in swallowing food and drinks. It always increases the risk of upper respiratory infection.

I can vouch for the fact that even unfiltered apple cider vinegar will greatly help with a sore throat, even strep throat. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water. How much you dilute or how concentrated you make your solution is up to you. Three parts water to one part vinegar is a good baseline ratio to use. However, variations will also work so don't get stuck on a certain ratio. This treatment is sort of painful and some would say disgusting so dilute as much as you need too.

To administer, simple take your diluted solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water and gargle with it. You will get a burning sensation that is more severe the more severe your sore throat is. Now doing the typical gargle will get the top of your mouth. The trick is to let the gargle hit the back of your mouth before you spit it out. This can cause you to involuntarily spit it out so beware. Haha!

Shortly after gargling, your throat will feel much better. At best it will shorten the pain and shorten the duration of your sore throat. At worst it will take away the worst miserable part of having a sore throat. I am pissed that this is not common recommendation of every doctor. Trust me, this works 100 times better than those crappy throat lozenges. I can confirm that I have personally now treated myself with a sore throat much more effectively than I have ever been treated at the doctor's office.

A third possible benefit of treating yourself this way MIGHT be that your body builds up an immunity to future infections. I can't scientifically say this, but the theory is if you don't take antibiotics that your body will do all the work and be stronger for it.

I had strep throat and self-treated with apple cider vinegar and it was gone in 4 days. That included the first day, which when untreated, where the symptoms were mild and not in any way debilitating. The second and third day was full-blown. And the fourth was again, mild where I stopped treatment because it was apparent I was healing up nicely.

In hindsight I wish I would have treated myself differently. The second day of the illness was the first day of treatment. And that treatment was minimal. I would wait until I felt like crap before gargling again. The second day I wised up and would treat every three hours or so, before the effects had worn off. Who knows if I had a set up a regiment to gargle every two hours while awake from day one, I might have kicked the sore throat bug even quicker.

In short, this works!!!

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