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Honey A Natural Expectorant!

Honey Expectorant
Honey is obviously a recognized food and has been for 1000's of years, but it has medicinal uses as well. It might be hard for people to believe that honey is anything other than a sweet food we get from bees. Well consider this, honey that is 1000's of years old can still be eaten. It takes something special to do that, and honey IS very special.

Wash your face really well to clean the skin, then apply raw honey to the affected area. Keep it about at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Honey works on acne by helping keep moisture in the skin and because the antibacterial properties kill off the bacteria that cause acne.

Honey is a great treatment for arthritis because honey has anti-inflammatory properties. Arthritis is basically inflammation of a joint. Help with inflammation means help with arthritis.

Asthma is a condition that leads those afflicted with it to have episodes of shortness of breath wheezing and chest congestion. Severe episodes can lead to death as the lungs air sacs contract and restrict the exchange of Oxygen to the blood. The symptoms of asthma can also lead to common colds.

Pollen, certain foods, intense exercise or impure air can trigger asthma attacks.

If you suffer from Asthma you can control it to some extent by simply avoiding things that trigger attacks.

A honey and cinnamon combination is a popular home remedy for treating asthma symptoms. Take before sleeping and soon after waking.

Eating honey from bees in your area can guard against the allergies that the pollen of local plants induces. Repeatedly eating the raw honey builds up your body's resistance to these allergies.

Honey is a great treatment for burn victims. Studies have shown it does a better job than the silver treatments that people usually get. Simply gently apply the honey to the affected area. Bad burns often prove fatal once the patient gets infections. Honey greatly helps prevent the infections from happening.

Honey has been shown to be a better treatment for coughs than dextromethorphan. Keep in mind that there are a number of reasons why you cough and that coughing does serve a purpose. However, sometimes the coughing can get excessive and honey is a proven natural cough suppressant.

Honey is also good at loosening up that congestion in your chest, which will make your coughs more effective. This makes it a natural expectorant. There are other expectorants that you can take such as various teas. I would suggest mixing in a little honey with these to get a more potent effect. It is important to note that you should never give honey to babies. Wait until they are over 1 year old first.

Eczema is a persistent inflammation of the skin. It usually appears in childhood and often persists for a lifetime. Eczema affected skin is itchy, gets tiny red and shiny scales. It is believed to be genetic and not contagious being caused by an overreactive immune system.

Honey has strong antibacterial properties which helps prevent infection and even helps make the skin healthier so that long term repeated use of topically applied honey and ingested honey can help improve the lives of eczema sufferers immensely.

Pink-Eye/Eye Infection:
Honey can be a great cure for eye infection, pink-eye, itchy eye and dry eye. Simply mix honey with an equal amount of distilled water. Apply a couple of drops to the infected eye. Apply a couple of times a day until the eye clears up. It works because of the honey's great antibacterial properties.

Gum Disease:
Research has proven that honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide. Because of this, honey inhibits dental plaque bacteria.

Yeast Infection:
It is as simple as this. Honey is better at controlling a yeast infection in women than any over the counter medicine you buy at the store. It works!

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